#714...where are they now?

NEW: Social Map
About this site
After having a weird dream about #714 people, I (pen) awoke with the idea of creating a site that keeps track of those who belong(ed) to #714 on efnet. This can be a way to get in touch with those we have lost contact with. Maybe someday we can have a reunion of sorts.
About You
If you would like to let others know about you and where you are these days, please send me an e-mail. Unfortunately, this site does not have any fancy forms or members areas, as I am not 31337 enough to know how to set those up. Visit the "People" page to see an example posting and more info. Thanks for your contribution!
If you would like to post your info, please send me an e-mail to: sherri@mentalorigami.com. I'll create a profile for you, like this one, or if you would like to design your own, just send me the code. Please limit your picture size to 100k or less if possible. Thanks!
And now for the fine print
Privacy/Content Policy
I will only post what you want me to post. If you do not want contact/personal info published, please let me know. If anyone wishes to contact you, they can contact me, and I'll pass on the word, allowing you to decide if you would like to contact them. If a person does not want to be contacted, don't come whining to me! Save your drama for livejournal.
Although I will not edit the content of your profile before publishing, please keep your bleepings to a minimum. If you can't say it on network TV, please don't put it in your profile. Thanks! --Pen
hosted by: MentalOrigami.com